Spiritual Cardiologists

Nov 27, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word. If you want to leave comments or feedback, you can email jp0870584@gmail.com. I taste the Lord and see that He is good all the time. God bless you.

The scripture is from Psalm 34:8-9: “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. Oh fear the Lord, you his holy ones, for there is no lack with those who fear Him.”

The devotion is titled Spiritual Cardiologists by Heather Tietz. Heather starts with an analogy about what defines good eating. Most of the world, including her, defines good eating as well-prepared meat. She goes on to talk about a health issue that came up with her husband. A cardiologist told them that the only way to guarantee his heart health was to drop all animal food from his diet. He encouraged us to taste and see how good a vegan diet can be. Of course, since we wanted my husband to live a long and healthy life, we followed the cardiologist’s instructions. She goes says that it takes a fearful or devastating life changing event to find our need for God. She concluded that we are like spiritual cardiologists. We can encourage those who are suffering alone that God is good. We (as Christians) know that if they give Him a taste, through a local Bible study, a prayer meeting, visiting a church, opening a Bible or just call on Him, they will not be disappointed. To sum it up, God is good. The instant His children turn to Him, their hearts will began healing.

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: Who do you know needs a spiritual cardiologist? Can you write a prayer for them today?

Here is my response, yours may be different: There are the homeless, addicts, sinners, etc. that need a spiritual cardiologist. Heavenly Father, I lift up to You all the above mentioned. I pray that they find their way to You, the Master Cardiologist to heal their spiritual hearts. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

A Personal Prayer for us: Dear God, You alone are good. No matter what happens to us on this earth, You are our true refuge. You provide everything we need, both here and forevermore. We love You with all our hearts; it is wholly Yours. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/27/11) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible Spiritual Cardiologists by Heather Tietz.

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