The Real Wellspring

July 31, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App

The scripture is from Proverbs 4:23, “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it is the wellspring of life.”

The devotion is titled The Real Wellspring by Heather Tietz.  This devotion is to remind us to guard our hearts. Jesus is our fountain of living water, The Wellspring. When we draw nearer to Him, all our life loves will fall into place. When this happens, we are a fountain to those around us. We will shower love from the eternal Holy Wellspring that everyone needs.

Reflection: How can each love of our lives be used for God’s glory?

Here was my response: for me, I would align each love of my life to God’s plan for me.

My Prayer for us: Dear Lord, thank You for extending Your mercy to our hearts. Please purify us, wash us clean and draw us nearer to You. We will love You forever. In your name we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/31/07) retrieved from Website: Daily The Real Wellspring by Heather Tietz.

I Almost gave Up, But Then…

July 28, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App

The scripture is from John12:24-25, “Most certainly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who love his life will lose it. He who hates his life in this world will keep it to eternal life.”

The devotion is titled I Almost Gave Up, But Then… by Darla Noble.  This devotion is to remind us that God never gives up on us. When we are spiritually shriveled, He doesn’t give up. He keeps taking care of us until we realize all that care and provision will help us grow into so much more than what we would be without Him. We are instructed to continue to be rooted in the love and salvation of Jesus.

Reflection: What incident in your life has left you felling angry, hurt, or resentful? Have you turned this over to the Lord, asking Him to help this make you stronger in your faith?

Here was my response: I had two incidents in my life that left me feeling angry, hurt, and resentful. One was when Mr. Cortez became principal at Silver Wing elementary School and later, the principal at Rice Elementary. I turned both incidents over to the Lord. He resolved them. As a result my faith became stronger because I did rely on the Lord.

My Prayer for us: Dear Heavenly Lord, Please open our eyes to see you clearly. Let us grow in Your ways, thriving in the hope of salvation. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/28/07) retrieved from Website: Daily I Almost Gave Up, But Then… by Darla Noble.

God’s Waiting Room

July 27, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App

The scripture is from Psalm 33:20-22, “Our soul has waited for the Lord. He is our help and our shield. For our heart rejoices in him because we have trusted in his holy name. Let your loving kindness be on us, Lord, since have hoped in you.”

The devotion is titled God’s Waiting Room by John Michalak.  This devotion compares a doctor’s waiting room with God’s waiting room. This time it is God who is the doctor we are waiting to see. Just like an earthly doctor, we know we need God. We know He can help us. But we are told we must wait before we can enjoy the full benefits of seeing Him face to face.  

Reflection: In what ways has God helped us lately? In what ways has He been our shield?

Here was my response: God has help me come face to face with my fears and sins. He has shielded me from my fears and sins through His son, Jesus.

My Prayer for us: All-powerful God, Thank you for helping us and shielding us as we go through life on this earth. We will wait, confident in Your mercy. We will trust in Your promises. Thanks to Your love and care, we are filled with hope for the future. In Your Son Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/27/07) retrieved from Website: Daily God’s Waiting Room by John Michalak.

Not All fishing Nets Look Alike

July 26, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App

The scripture is from Luke5:4-6, “When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch.’ Simon answered him, ‘Master, we worked all night, and caught nothing; but at your word I will let down the net.’ When they had done this, they caught a great multitude of fish, and their net was breaking.”

The devotion is titled Not All fishing Nets Look Alike by Darla Noble.  This devotion reminds me of our situation. It is almost identical to what Darla and her family went through. We were a family of 6. Our situation got so bad that our children were wrapping old toys so there was something underneath the Christmas tree. Like Darla I spent more time worrying about our lack of finances. I felt sorry for what was happening in our lives. Like her, realized how much we really had. We had a place to live, food to eat, healthy children, and a loving supportive church. God never failed us. God had shown us evidence of His miraculous provisions.

Reflection: What are some doubts you have about trusting God to work miracles in your life? Are you going to give them to God and ask him to prove your fears wrong?

Here was my response: After what my family and I had gone through, I have no issues or doubts. If I had any doubts, I will ask Him to prove me wrong.

My Prayer for us: Dear God, Thank you for your many blessings. Thank you for directing us when and where to go “fishing”. Help us to always listen to Your guidance that You provide. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/26/07) retrieved from Website: Daily Not All fishing Nets Look Alike by Darla Noble.

The Old Testament’s “Lord’s Prayer”

July 25, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App

The scripture is from Numbers 6:24-26, “The Lord bless you, and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine on you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his face toward you, and give you peace.”

The devotion is titled The Old Testament’s “Lord’s Prayer” by Pastor Ken.  This devotion is summarized that is a promise of divine love, protection, and blessing; authored and spoken by God. There are valid reasons to apply this blessing to our lives. 1. We need God’s protection in this unsafe world. 2. We need God’s grace because we are all sinners. 3. We need inner peace that can only be found in God. God never calls us to do anything without His peace and protection, and presence.

Reflection: What is something from which you need protection? What is something for which you want grace. What is something that disturbs your peace? Give them all to Jesus today.

Here was my response: I need protection from scams. I am very gullible to them. I need grace when I fall to temptation. I still focus too much on mistakes and passed sins I committed. Today, Lord Jesus, I give all the above to You. I strongly suggest you do the same.

My Prayer for us: Dear Jesus, You are the Prince of Peace, so please fill us with Your peace. Please bless us and keep us. Make Your face shine upon us. Let us enjoy every moment of our lives knowing You are with us. In Your name we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/25/07) retrieved from Website: Daily The Old Testament’s “Lord’s Prayer” by Pastor Ken.

Press on to the Imposible Goal by Heather Tietz

July 24, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App

The scripture is from Philippians 3:13-14, “Brothers, I don’t regard myself as yet having taken hold, but one thing I do: forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

The devotion is titled “Press on to the Impossible Goal” by Heather Tietz.  This devotion is summarized that it is impossible to be like God. We will not be as good as God until Jesus has fitted us with our new bodies, in our new home. Looking back at our past sins and trying to be as good as God is too discouraging. God doesn’t count our sins as we do. He forgets them. God doesn’t love us because we are good. He knows that is an impossible goal. Without Jesus we can never be as good as God. My advice is to not dwell on your past sins and failures. Keep going trusting in Jesus. Pray for strength. Every step you take closer to Jesus is one step closer to perfection.

Reflection: How has God already changed you? How are you more like Jesus now than you were in the past?

Here was my response: God has changed me in multiple ways. Now I put God’s will and glory above my own needs and wants. I am much more like Jesus through my actions, words, and thoughts than I was in the past.

My Prayer for us: Dear Jesus, we want to press closer and closer to You. Help us forget our sins of our past, as You have. Please give us eyes and a heart only for you. In Your precious name we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/24/07) retrieved from Website: Daily “Press on to the Impossible Goal” by Heather Tietz.

The Lord’s Prayer

July 21, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App

The scripture is from Matthew 6:9-11, “Pray like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept Holy. Let your Kingdom come. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread.’”

The devotion is titled “The Lord’s Prayer.” by Darla Noble. This devotion is summarized that the words of The Lord’s Prayer instruct us how we should pray and what to pray for. There is no doubt that God is holy, and master of the universe, and the source of all our needs and wants. When we pray this way, we are giving honor to God by asking for His protection, and divine forgiveness. Also, reflecting God’s love to others we see every day. We can be assured that our needs will be met. We should feel God’s presence in our lives. In return, We radiate the light and truth of His love to others.

Reflection: What are some of your daily needs? Will you ask God for them every day with confidence that He will provide according to His will?

Here was my response: I ask God every day for forgiveness. I ask Him to provide for me and my family our spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional needs. I ask that He keeps me and my family spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and politically safe from harm.

My Prayer for us: Dear God in heaven, Please make us a permanent part of Your kingdom. May we always live and work within Your will for our lives. Please prepare us on earth for an eternity in heaven. Please provide for our needs, as we learn to rely fully on You. All the power and glory is Yours, now and forever. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/21/07) retrieved from Website: Daily “The Lord’s Prayer.” by Darla Noble.

Send the Light

July 19, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App

The scripture is from Ephesians 6:18-19, “With all prayer and requests ,praying at all times in the Spirit, and being watchful to this end in all perseverance and requests for all the saints; on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in opening my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the Good News”

The devotion is titled “Send the Light.” by Darla Noble and Joyverse. This devotion is summarized that we are called to be bold for the cause of Christ. We are to share the message of the gospel. You don’t have to stand before a big crowd of people or memorize large sections of scripture (I am glad for that). Being bold for the cause of Christ means sharing the news and love of Jesus with everyone in your circle by being yourself and doing what you do best in a way that honors God.

Reflection: How can we send the Light of God to someone today? We should pray for the chance to share the light today.

Here was my response: I can send the Light of God today to someone today by being myself in my circle of friends and doing what I do best in ways that honors God.

My Prayer for us: Dear God, give us the courage and desire to share Your love and Your Word with everyone in our lives. Use us to send Your light into a dark world. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/19/07) retrieved from Website: Daily Send the Light.” by Darla Noble and Joyverse.

Use God’s Name with Reverence

July 18, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App

The scripture is from Exodus20:7, “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who misuses his name.”

The devotion is titled “Use God’s Name with Reverence” by Pastor Ken and Joyverse. This devotion is summarized that God is holy therefore His name is holy. God’s name is not to be used for false oaths, casual jokes, or profane coursing. Why? God controls the universe. With a single word He creates worlds, puts planets in place, and sets galaxies in motion. He knows every hair on our head. The tiniest bird that falls, He knows. This is the God whom angels revere and demons fear. God in human form experience unspeakable torture and horrors to redeem our lives from eternal death. Use His name when giving thanks, offering praise, in prayer, and reflecting His love for others.

Reflection: How can we use God’s name for praising and giving thanks? What is one way we can use God’s name properly today?

Here was my response: I can use God’s name to further glorify Him in Heaven. Today I can use God’s name to pray for others who are still spiritually lost.

My Prayer for us: Dear God, help us to use Your name with reverence. Also, help us shine before others to lift You high. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen.

Inspirations (2023/18/07) retrieved from Website: Daily Use God’s Name with Reverence” by Pastor Ken and Joyverse.

Collecting God’s Word in Your Heart

July 17, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App

The scripture is from Luke11:28, “But he said, ‘On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God, and keep it.”

The devotion is titled “Collecting God’s word in Your Heart” by Heather Tietz. This devotion is summarized that is not enough to know God’s word. We must own it through every part of our being. We must practice God’s word through our hands, and feet. God’s word should move us to speak put, stand up, whisper a prayer, shout a praise, to dance with joy, to open our homes, to share our income, and to change our plans. In conclusion, let God’s word move, make, and change you. Then you will be truly blessed.

Reflection: What are some ways you are “Collecting” God’s word?

Here was my response: Some ways I am “collecting” God’s word is by living in His word. on a daily basis.

My Prayer for us: Dear God, we want to do more than just hear Your word. Let it fills us permeating every aspect of our lives. Please help us keep Your word in our hearts. Thank You for Your endless blessings. I Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/17/07) retrieved from Website: Daily “Collecting God’s word in Your Heart” by Heather Tietz..