Sharing Back

Nov 24, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word. If you want to leave comments or feedback, you can email Our souls and our lives were purchased by the blood of Jesus. I pray that I will continue to live in such a way that shows my gratitude for such extravagant redemption. God bless you.

The scripture is from 1 Peter 2:24: “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live to righteousness. You were healed by his wounds.”

The devotion is titled Sharing Back by Darla Noble. The author starts off with the story of Helen Keller. Everyone, including her own parents, had given up any hope for her. But, Annie Sullivan, her nanny, saw past Helen’s disabilities to her intelligence and spirit. Annie help Helen overcome countless obstacles. Helen shared back by working for social welfare and advocating for help and equal rights for the others who were disabled. Next, Darla shared the story of Saul. After his encounter with Jesus, Saul became the apostle, Paul. Jesus called him into a life of service. Paul, sharing back, gave others the opportunity to hear the Gospel and accept Christ as their Savior. Darla concludes that there is nothing we can give God that He didn’t give us first. By sharing back, we make it possible for others to experience God blessings.

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: What will you do this week to share back the monetary and material blessings God has shared with you?

Here is my response, yours may be different: We (my wife and I) will continue to give to our church. We will continue to give to Goodwill and Amvets so more jobs can be created. I will continue to give to ministries like Klove to help spread the Gospel to others.  

A Personal Prayer for us: Dear God, thank You for all You have given us. Please make us a worthy recipient of Your blessings-one that

Inspirations (2023/24/11) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible. Sharing Back by Darla Noble.

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