We Are All Missionaries

Nov 22, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word. If you want to leave comments or feedback, you can email jp0870584@gmail.com. What I am doing to spread the Good News of the Gospel to others is through my blogs, social media, my apparel, and actions. God bless you.

The scripture is from John 20:21: “Jesus therefore said to them again, ‘Peace be to you. As the Father has sent me. Even so I send you.’”

The devotion is titled We Are All Missionaries by Darla Noble. The author gets to the point. She says that we all are missionaries. She reminds us that before Jesus returned to heaven, He instructed us to go into all the world, this includes every step you take and everyone you see. We are called to use our talents and abilities to show the world the love and hope Jesus brings. She reminds us that you might be the only Jesus some people might ever see. Therefore, Darla instructs us paint Jesus in the most perfect light possible.

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: With whom can you share Jesus with this week? She is challenging you to make a list of at least three people and do something intentional to let them know Jesus loves them.

Here is my response, yours may be different: I will continue to use my writing skills to share Jesus. I will continue to wear my apparel and let my actions speak for itself. Also, I will greet people with a blessing.  I will make myself available to anyone who wants me to pray with them.

A Personal Prayer for us: Holy God, please train our eyes to see the world around us as our mission fields. Fill us with Your peace. Please give us the hands, feet, heart, and mind to be a Gospel-sharer with those we meet. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. Inspirations (2023/22/11) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible. We Are All Missionaries by Darla Noble

He’s Alive!

Nov 21, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word. If you want to leave comments or feedback, you can email jp0870584@gmail.com. I will confess with my mouth and believe with all my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. God bless you.

The scripture is from Romans 10:9: “That if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

The devotion is titled He’s Alive! by Katelyn Molly. The author recounts the night that Jesus was arrested. Peter remembered that he denied he knew Jesus 3 times (Luke 22:57-62). He was very remorseful. In the morning, the women, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary, Jesus’s mother told the disciples that the angels told them that He (Jesus) is alive. Peter ran to Jesus’ grave and saw the white linen cloths that Jesus was buried in. Jesus was nowhere in sight. “He departed, marveling to himself at what had happened.” (Luke 24:12). Jesus is alive! That changed everything not only for Peter, but everyone.  

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: According to today’s verse, what most you do to be saved? Have you done this?

Here is my response, yours may be different: I refer you back to Romans 10:9: “That if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Yes, I have done this.

A Personal Prayer for us: Dear God, thank you for sending Your son Jesus to die on the cross for us. Thank You for raising Him back to life and making a way for us to spend eternity with You. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/21/11) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible. He’s Alive! by Katelyn Molly.

God’s Presence is the Present

Nov 20, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word. If you want to leave comments or feedback, you can email jp0870584@gmail.com. Blessings come from our Heavenly Father. I am showered with His blessings every day. God bless you.

The scripture is from Ezekiel 43:26: “I will make them and the place around my hill a blessing. I will cause the shower to come down in its season. There will be showers of blessing.”

The devotion is titled God’s Presence is the Present by Beatrice Jean-Baptiste. The author starts by recalling a poem-turned-hymn based on Ezikiel 43:26-28. This passage was filled with a powerful promise for God’s people. She goes on to the story of a Civil War Major and hero, Daniel Whittle. He lost his right arm and became a prisoner of war. He started to read a New Testament Bible. In God’s sovereign grace, an orderly request that he pray for dying soldier. He prayed for the dying soldier and confessed his own sins, and surrendered to God. God showered him with inexplicable blessings. In Ezekiel 34, God promised to bless His people safety and tranquility with His holy presence. The showers of blessings we need are found in God’s presence, the greatest presence.

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: How has God blessed you recently? When do you feel God’s the most?

Here is my response, yours may be different: God has blessed me daily by being able to spread His blessings to others. I always feel God’s presence.

A Personal Prayer for us: Gracious God, many times we relegate Your blessings to material goods such as houses, cars, and wealth. But the greatest blessing You have given us is Jesus Christ Himself. Please bless us to know You more intimately. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/20/11) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible. God’s Presence is the Present by Beatrice Jean-Baptiste.

A Map for the Crossroads

Nov 17, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word. If you want to leave comments or feedback, you can email jp0870584@gmail.com. The Bible is very relevant my life because the Holy Word is inspired by God. God bless you.

The scripture is from 2 Timoth 3:16: “Every scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness.”

The devotion is titled A Map for the Crossroads by Margaret Michel. The author starts by saying during her life she faced many crossroads throughout her life. One time she was given a choice of cheating or losing favor with management at a good job. She said God proved that obeying Him was the “profitable” choice. It turns out that upper management was watching. In the end she was promoted, and her immediate supervisor was demoted and transferred to an obscure and menial task and forced into early retirement. Just like Paul’s letter to Timothy pointed him to every writing in the Bible as having God as its direct Source, regardless of the writer God chose to inspire, Divine love, wisdom, and knowledge are infused into every passage. She says that we too, have access to countless counsel by reading and applying Scripture at every crossroad in our lives.

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: How does it make you feel to know that God has poured His all-knowing and all-powerful providence in the Bible for your ready access?

Here is my response, yours may be different: This makes me feel secure that God has my back. I faced a situation very similar to Her’s.  I was instructed by the company’s owner to do something that was totally wrong. I prayed and followed God’s instruction. Soon after, the company’s credit rating went up and the company’s venders were back with us.

A Personal Prayer for us: Gracious God, thank You that every word for Yours is intended to be meaningful for us, designed to instruct us in the right ways that we crave. In Christ’s dear name, we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/17/11) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible. A Map for the Crossroads by Margaret Michel.

Crowned in Wisdom

Nov 16, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word. If you want to leave comments or feedback, you can email jp0870584@gmail.com. In my life I had my mother and grandmother, later in my life my dad who shared Godly wisdom with me. God bless you.

The scripture is from Proverbs 1:8-10: “My son, listen to your father’s instruction, and don’t forsake your mother’s teaching; for they will be a garland to grace your head, and chains around your neck. My son, if sinners entice you, don’t consent.”

The devotion is titled Crowned in Wisdom by Beatrice Jean-Baptiste. The author starts with her memories of her father’s instructions that was equivalent to the Golden Rule found in Matthew 7:12, Her mother’s teachings often shared cultural proverbs with a moral lesson. God strategically places specific people in our lives and surroundings to help us navigate through life. In Proverbs 1:8-10, King Solomon instructed his son to listen, because it is beyond hearing. It allows us to internalize messages of truth and to apply those messages to our lives. As we do this, we are able to grow in our understanding of God and the world around us. Growing in wisdom is an intentional process. It is an everyday choice to internalize Biblical teachings as a child adheres to their parent’s instructions. When you adopt a lifestyle rooted in Godly wisdom you will be adorned with a dazzling crown on your head for everyone to see.

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: How can you adopt a lifestyle of wisdom.

Here is my response, yours may be different: I can adopt a lifestyle of wisdom by growing in my knowledge and understanding of God and the world around me.

A Personal Prayer for us: Dear God, please grant us wisdom from on high. Allow wisdom to become a part of our identities so that our lives will give You honor and glory. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/16/11) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible. Crowned in Wisdom by Beatrice Jean-Baptiste.

It’s A Trust Thing

Nov 15, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word. If you want to leave comments or feedback, you can email jp0870584@gmail.com. If Jesus spent a day with me, He would know without a doubt that I am not ashamed to call Him Savior no matter where I am or who I am with. God bless you.

The scripture is from 2 Timonthy 1:12: “For this cause I also suffer these things. Yet I am not ashamed, for I know him whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is able to guard that which I have committed to him against that day.”

The devotion is titled It’s A Trust Thing by Darla Noble. Darla starts out thinking about trust. She talks about a friend who acted like they didn’t trust her. She says that God voice whispered to her “I know how you feel. Doesn’t feel very good, does it?” that was a wake-up call for her. She started thinking she had done the same with God. She concludes that faith and obedience to God is a “trust thing”.  The Savior is truly worthy and deserving of our trust.

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: In what matters do you have difficulty trusting Jesus? If so, why? What will you do to change this?

Here is my response, yours may be different: There is no matter that I have difficulty in trusting Jesus.

A Personal Prayer for us: Dear Jesus, please take away every doubt, fear, and anxious moment we have. Give us a heart, soul, and mind that are full of Your grace and glory. We are never ashamed of You; our shame comes from our weakness. Please forgive us for the times we have not trusted You completely. In Your name we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/15/11) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible. It’s A Trust Thing by Darla Noble.

Overflowing With Thanks!

Nov 14, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word. If you want to leave comments or feedback, you can email jp0870584@gmail.com. I am very thankful to God for all the wonderful things He has done for me. I praise Him with songs and prayers. God bless you.

The scripture is from Psalm 75:1: “We give thanks to you, God. We give thanks, for your Name is near. Men tell about your wondrous works.”

The devotion is titled Overflowing With Thanks! by Pastor Ken and Joyverse. Pastor Ken and Joyverse start by saying thankfulness fills you with positive energy. Your smile come from inside out. If or when you realize that everything good you have is because Jesus, your life becomes more meaningful, and you become closer and more intimate with Him. Take some time every day to say thank you to the giver of all blessings, Jesus. Here are some verses to think about; (1 John 4: 9-10), (John 3:16), (Romans 8:34). Some other things to think about are what are you especially thankful for? What things around you, in nature, your life, and in your relationships causes you to praise Jesus? What wondrous works has He done in your life? In conclusion, today take time to count your blessings and give thanks for them.

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: In what ways so you deliberately appreciate God’s many blessings?

Here is my response, yours may be different: Every day I wake up and thank God for all the blessings He has given to my family and me. I also listen and sing praise songs to Him and share His word with others.

A Personal Prayer for us: Dear Lord, thank You so much for Your constant overflowing love and grace. We will praise You as long as we live. Please help us joyfully share with others what You have done for us. We pray in the name of Jesus, Who has done more for us than we deserve, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/14/11) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible. Overflowing With Thanks! by Pastor Ken and Joyverse

Hopping for Home

Nov 13, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word.

The scripture is from Romans 8:24-25: “For we were saved in hope, but hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for that which he sees? But if we hope for that which we don’t see, we wait for it with patience.”

The devotion is titled Hope for Home by Heather Tietz. Heather introduced this devotion by saying there are hundreds of thousands of children in foster care in the United States waiting for a permanent home. A permanent and safe place to be care for and loved. She says that we are like these foster children. She explains that before we knew Jesus, we were alone, abused, often abused others, and suffered greatly. Then at some point in our lives we turn ourselves over to Jesus and God claimed us as His own. We are still waiting to move into His house as our bodies weaken and we stumble when tempted in this fallen world that causes us pain. However, the apostle Paul tells us to have hope and keep looking ahead to the safe place God is preparing for us. There, we will be cared for and loved, freed from physical pain, burdens, temptations, and any kind of sadness. She concludes that life here in this world is only a shadow and dim view of what is ahead. She finishes by proclaiming that Heaven is our home!

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: How do you describe your hope of hope of heaven? What do you think it is like?

Here is my response, yours may be different: I describe my hope of heaven where there is no more suffering or pain. A place where we will be cared for and loved. A place we will call our permanent home.

My Personal Prayer for us: Dear Lord, please be especially close to those of Your children who have no home or family. Fill us with Your compassion for the homeless and the hurting. Let us extend Your hope and grace to everyone we meet today. Thank You for the certainty that we have a forever home with You. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

God’s Positioning System: the Divine GPS

Nov 10, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word.

The scripture is from Matthew 11:27: “All things have been delivered to me by my Father, No one knows the Son, except the Father; neither does anyone know the Father, except the son and he to whom the Son desires to reveal him.”

The devotion is titled God’s Positioning System: the Divine GPS by Brenda Kis. The author starts off by telling of a teacher,” Mr. G” who was showing a group of students how satellites help people find things. Some did it correctly and others, he had to reteach. Through this introduction, Brenda is reminding us that God has given each of us the coordinates we need to discover Him in the Bible. If we read it carefully and prayerfully, He will make himself known to us. God sent His Son, Jesus, the Teacher, a living example showing us the way and helping us to discover the ultimate prize, that is the compassionate heart of the Father. Our Father is waiting to be discovered.

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: When you begin your exploration of God, will you get up a half hour earlier so you can give Him first priority or wait until evening so He’s the last thing on your mind before you sleep?

Here is my response, yours may be different: This is a no-brainer. Of course, I give God first priority as soon as I get up.

My Personal Prayer for us: Dear God, we want to know You. Please direct our thoughts as we read Your word every day. Show us who You are as we look at the life of Christ in the Gospels. In Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/10/11) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible. God’s Positioning System: the Divine GPS by Brenda Kis.

The Wisdom of God’s Heart

Nov 09, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word.

The scripture is from Exodus 35:35: “He has filled them with wisdom of heart to work all kinds of workmanship, of the engraver, of the skillful workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of those who do any workmanship, and of those who make skillful works.”

The devotion is titled The Wisdom of God’s Heart by Beatrice Jean-Baptiste. The author starts off by reminding us that God has given each of us the ability to create something marvelous to add to Earth’s beauty. We posse talents that only we can do with our uniqueness and creativity. Our talents, skills, and gifts are by design. The creativity we have reflects God’s wisdom in creating us, His masterpiece. Just like in today’s scripture Exodus 35:35. God has a specific, special, and set-apart calling over our lives. He created us to create so our talents would further His kingdom and inspire others to do the same.

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: Why are your talents a form of God’s wisdom? How can you use your talents to serve others today?

Here is my response, yours may be different: God gave me certain talents only I can do. I can use my unique talents (in this case writing) to glorify God by inspiring and serving others.

My Personal Prayer for us: Creator God, thank you for blessing us with talents, gifts, and skills that only we can do in our own special way. Help us to use our talents to glorify You as Bezalel land Oholiab did. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Inspirations (2023/09/11) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible. The Wisdom of God’s Heart by Beatrice Jean-Baptiste.