Overflowing With Thanks!

Nov 14, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word. If you want to leave comments or feedback, you can email jp0870584@gmail.com. I am very thankful to God for all the wonderful things He has done for me. I praise Him with songs and prayers. God bless you.

The scripture is from Psalm 75:1: “We give thanks to you, God. We give thanks, for your Name is near. Men tell about your wondrous works.”

The devotion is titled Overflowing With Thanks! by Pastor Ken and Joyverse. Pastor Ken and Joyverse start by saying thankfulness fills you with positive energy. Your smile come from inside out. If or when you realize that everything good you have is because Jesus, your life becomes more meaningful, and you become closer and more intimate with Him. Take some time every day to say thank you to the giver of all blessings, Jesus. Here are some verses to think about; (1 John 4: 9-10), (John 3:16), (Romans 8:34). Some other things to think about are what are you especially thankful for? What things around you, in nature, your life, and in your relationships causes you to praise Jesus? What wondrous works has He done in your life? In conclusion, today take time to count your blessings and give thanks for them.

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: In what ways so you deliberately appreciate God’s many blessings?

Here is my response, yours may be different: Every day I wake up and thank God for all the blessings He has given to my family and me. I also listen and sing praise songs to Him and share His word with others.

A Personal Prayer for us: Dear Lord, thank You so much for Your constant overflowing love and grace. We will praise You as long as we live. Please help us joyfully share with others what You have done for us. We pray in the name of Jesus, Who has done more for us than we deserve, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/14/11) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible. Overflowing With Thanks! by Pastor Ken and Joyverse

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