Not Just a Piece of Paper

Dec.05, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, before I read or comment on God’s word, I pray that He prepares my heart to receive his guidance and ask that He uses me as his vessel to comment on His word. If you want to leave comments or feedback, you can email I personally express my respect and appreciation for the beautiful creation God has given me to enjoy by rising every morning to see a new day. I try to care of this creation by advocating actions to improve our environment and use our resources wisely. God bless you.

The scripture is from Genesis 1:27-28: “God created man in his own image. In God’s image he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them. God said to them. ‘Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’.”

The devotion is titled It’s Not Just a Piece of Paper by Darla Noble. Darla introduced this devotion by talking about two men hiking on a wooded trail. One of the men finished eating a granola bar and tossed the wrapper on the ground along the trail. The other men went back and picked up the wrapper. The wrapper-thrower commented that one little piece of paper here and there won’t hurt and maybe field mice might use it to make a nest. While they were driving back, the young man drove to a run-downed neighborhood. There the streets and yards were filled with litter. He commented to the wrapper-thrower that this is what a piece of paper looks like. From this story we learn that the earth and our environment are on loan from God. He made them with exquisite care. He asked us to take care of His environment and the earth. He asked us to treat them with TLC (tender love and care) He put in creating them.

Reflections, Questions, and Challenges for Us: How seriously do we take God’s admonition to “dress and keep” the earth (Genesis 2:15)? How does the way we treat God’s creation show how much we love Him?

Here is my response, yours may be different: First of all, I admit that I am not an environmental engineer or scientist. I try to respect and appreciate God’s creation by advocating and support measures that will improve and maintain our environment and doing my small part by not allowing anything that will bring harm to His creation.  

A Personal Prayer for us: Dear God in heaven, thank you for nature and all the things it provides for us. We will treat the earth You made with respect and appreciation. Help us to never take its beauty for granted. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Inspirations (2023/05/12) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible It’s Not Just a Piece of Paper by Darla Noble.

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