A Promise of Wisdom

July 11, 2023

Here are my reflections and comments from today’s scripture from Our Daily Inspirations App

The scripture is from James 1:5, “But if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

The devotion is titled “A Promised Wisdom” by Pastor Ken. This devotion is summarized by God’s promise to give wisdom to all who ask liberally and without reproach. It doesn’t matter if it is a major issue or something as simple as finding a personal item. He will give to all who ask. So just ask.

Reflection: When was the time you claimed God’s promise of giving wisdom to all who wanted it? What situation in your life needs divine guidance? You should ask god for wisdom and discernment through your day today.

Here was my response: There are many times when I asked for god’s wisdom and guidance. No matter if it was a major issue or something as small as finding something. I will continue to ask God for wisdom throughout this day and all my days.  

My Prayer for us: Dear Jesus, We don’t know what to do. We need you to give us the wisdom You’ve promised to all who ask in James 1:5

Inspirations (2023/11/07) retrieved from Website: Daily Bible.com. A Promised Wisdom” by Pastor Ken.

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